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Cohort Building Toolkit.

🎓 A toolkit for building meaningful cohort relationships.
Cohort Building Kit is a collection of activities to help build meaningful relationships with your cohort. This toolkit sits at the junction of theory and practice to strengthen university cohorts of all kinds whether it be students or staff, fostering bonding and belonging.
Cohort Building Toolkit.png


Paid project
5 weeks
Imperial College London


Double diamond
User-centred design



Toolkit platform
Maintenance system
Platform launch plan


Research, user testing, prototyping, UX/UI, branding, visuals, SEO


Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop, Wix Editor

The problem.

Many young people have experienced difficult moments with online and blended learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Feelings of isolation and separateness from the rest of the cohort have created complex and unwanted situations across Imperial and the wider world, including a worrying exponential increase in mental health problems.

The product.

Cohort Building Kit is a a publicly available toolkit hosted on a website application containing a growing database of specially curated activities that foster cohort building. The toolkit allows students and staff within and beyond Imperial College London to find an activity suited for them and their cohort-building needs through a system of classifications and filters.

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