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📉 Inclusive data visualisations for collective action against climate change.
DataVision is an app paired with a wearable that centralises climate change risk information. By equipping communities with their environmental impact data, DataVision encourages organised communal action against climate change.
DataVision app and wearable visualisation


User research, concept, UX/UI, 3D modelling, branding


Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop, Rhino 3D, V-Ray


Group project
4 weeks
RCA Grand Challenge


Double diamond
Futures thinking


4-minute presentation
Group Miro board
Pitch deck

The problem.

Climate change is heavily impacting the world as we know it through extreme weather, declining biodiversity, water scarcity, and increasing global temperatures. Indeed, the IPCC projects global temperatures to reach the critical 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels between 2030 and 2052 if current trends continue. There is currently very little organised actions between communities against climate change.

The product.

Taking inspiration from nature, DataVision aims to emulate the behaviour of starling birds onto communities. In order to protect themselves from predators, starlings fly in murmurations, each bird predicting the movement of its 7 neighbours to keep the flock together. DataVision uses dynamic data visualisations of communal environmental impact, aiming to steer individual action away from environmental risk.
DataVision poster

Risk assessment

Personal tracking

News feed

Community feed

DataVision wearable front view
DataVision wearable perspective view
DataVision wearable top view

Retina display

Rubber strap

Magnetic clasp

The visual language.

The visual language of DataVision makes use of colours and density to communicate risk. The more spread out the dark hues, the higher the community environmental risk. This notion of density borrows from starling murmurations, with higher density signifying greater harmony.

99. Roman.png

Low risk

Medium risk

100. Chetwode Blue.png

High risk


Team Miro board (research)
App wireframe
Paper prototypes by Liam Arteona
Paper prototypes by Liam Arteona

You made it to the end! 🥳

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